Lockdown 5.0 - Cash Support For Victorian Businesses |
To our Maribyrnong Business Community, The Victorian Government will provide cash grants for businesses affected by the current lockdown. Automatic payments will be made to eligible businesses and sole traders across the state to minimise delays and swiftly get money into the pockets of businesses who need it most. Up to 90,000 businesses that have or are due to receive payments through the Hospitality Venue Fund and Business Costs Assistance Program relating to the May/June lockdown will receive an additional $3,000 and $2,000 respectively. Payments are due to commence next week. The Victorian Government have have also reached an agreement with the Commonwealth Government to fund income support payments from day one of the lockdown. This includes: - Payments of $600 to Victorians who lose 20 hours of work from day one of lockdown - Payments of $375 will be made to individuals that lose from 8-20 hours from day one of lockdown - There is no liquid assets test applied to receive these payments All applications can be made through the Services Australia website QR Codes now mandatory All businesses must now be using the Victorian Government QR Code. Businesses currently using a Victorian Government Application Programming Interface (API) must switch. For instruction on how to switch, please register to use the Victorian Government QR code service. Once lockdown ends, businesses should proactively encourage customers to check-in and must make reasonable efforts to provide a smartphone or other device to use an alternative record keeping system (such as pen and paper) for people wo do not have access or cannot use the QR Code Service check-in. Please also make sure you keep abreast of the latest COVID-19 Exposure sites via the Coronovirus.vic.gov.au website. There have been many Tier 1 and 2 sites added in our municipality. If you have visited one of these locations, please ensure you are tested and isolated until further notice. Best wishes, The Economic Development Team Maribyrnong City Council |